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Meghan Kellison

In response to Adam Kokesh's July 4th armed march on Washington D.C., other activists have organized another march the day before, but the terms are slightly different.

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The mission of the Center for Natural Living is to demonstrate the value of voluntary cooperation and natural living in the areas of sustainability, family, and health by creating educational media and helping families to fulfill their basic needs.

Article Image, By Alexander Reed Kelly

The task of exposing the stark truth has always belonged to the independent journalist. With his new book “Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield,” Jeremy Scahill renews this tradition by bringing the last decade of clandestine war making by the Amer

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The facts are clear, America is a nation in an undeniable state of free fall. Of course, the establishment media will never give you the entire picture on how bleak of a future most of our children are looking at.

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