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Ben Stone, AKA “The Bad Quaker,” urges us to know our enemy and know ourselves and provides a vision of the pinnacle and subsequent death of the State. The following two videos where filmed at Porcfest X at Roger’s Campground in Lancaster, NH June 17

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Real News Tucson

CHEMTRAIL SIGN TEST! (This weeks test!) Please Pick which one's you like best! Leave a comment and let us know which three signs you like the best! No worries these signs will all be used immediately but let us know which three signs you like best a

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Haskell
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Prison Planet

A few hours before making this video, Luke Rudkowski of received an email from an anonymous sender claiming to be a Bilderberg whistleblower with attached photos from inside the 2013 Bilderberg meeting at the Grove Hotel in Watford, E

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Every year America steals my thunder. You see, my birthday is on the fourth of July, known to many as Independence Day, and it couldn’t be more ironic. I’m not a hater of freedom by any means, in fact I love being free so much that when a federal hol

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The army said it would oversee the implementation of the roadmap it sought "with the participation of all factions and national parties, including young people", but it would not get directly involved in politics or government.