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Friends, I have been reading the news out of Boston and trying to make sense of it all, and now I’m finally pissed off to the point that I want to do something about it. I don’t care what really happened and who did what with whose bomb. This whole m

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On way to Concord Bridge to pay our respects and will be on Lexington Green by 11:30 am. - We are also waiting for call from court in Woburn, and will stop there to hear decision of judge on our request for an injunction against Town of Lexington sto

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A bike ride for peace from California to D.C. beginning at Casey Sheehan's grave in Vacaville, CA Washington, D.C. to demand true and positive change. The ride will begin on the day that Casey was KIA in Iraq, April 4th and end in D.C. on July 3rd.