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An oil explorer has suspended drilling in southern England in response to the threat of an escalating protest against fracking, the controversial process used to extract gas and oil from shale deposits that has transformed the U.S. energy market.

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Egypt is bracing for more violence after the Muslim Brotherhood called for nationwide marches after Friday prayers and a "day of rage" to denounce this week's unprecedented bloodshed in the security forces' assault on the supporters of the country's

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Farm Wars

Want to get rid of GMOs? Each of us has to make the decision that we will do at least one thing… eliminate one GMO thing from our lives. That’s it. Just do it. Pick something. Like corn, for instance…

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The Police Accountability Tour, on the road from mid-August until December, will maximize police accountability by facilitating connections and collaboration among those who know that badges don’t grant extra rights, and through skill sharing ....

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The International Libertarian

The Lemonistas strike again! For the third year in a row they've run an illegal lemonade stand selling their refreshing drink. A police officer interrogated and threatened them but in the end did nothing. This happened in Rittenhouse Square in Phila

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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All too often we rely on the state to tell us what to eat and which companies are ethical. And all too often the companies that the state deems ethical and safe are proven to be quite the opposite. The giant agricultural companies that produce GMOs a
