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Lauryn Faulkner, founder of Baltimore, MD Cop Block is launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund the Ladies of Cop Block 2014 Calendar along with 11 other female Cop Blockers: Mary Kate Lords Amanda BillyRock Lindsey Lindhag Janel Florez Toni Bon

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by William N. Grigg (Lew Rockwell blog)

This leads to a phenomenon I call a “thugscrum,” in which a pack of feral cops throw themselves on top of a victim and maul him (or her) while one or more of their comrades will face outward to deter intervention on the victim’s behalf.

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The problem is big, but there’s an easy solution. All politics is local. We’ve forgotten that. It’s time to go local. Your police, sheriff, city council, they all took an oath to protect your rights. It’s time to hold them to it. We’ve been fighting

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Chris Haskell - Real News Tucson

When you see that's it's a heavy spray day in your community then call a friend or two and meet up at the closest heavy traffic intersection and have a "Wake-up call!" That's exactly what I do as often as I can and WOW! It is quite a GRAND AWAKE

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Haskell