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Article Image, by Abby Zimet

In an audience Wednesday in St. Peter’s Square, the new Pope Francis cited the "special role" of women in the church, which may or may not shore up the cautious hope of some Catholics he will begin to bring the church into this century.

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The Daily Bell

US News tells us that libertarians want to "keep the lights on" for the current Earth Hour. Earth Hour is a worldwide event organized by the World Wildlife Fund "encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights.

Article Image Rothbard

This year is the bicentenary of an important American event: the rising up of American taxpayers to refuse payment of a hated tax: in this case, an excise tax on whiskey. The Whiskey Rebellion has long been known to historians, but recent studies hav

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Prison Planet

Local TV station CYBC reports that police in the Cyprus’ capital are scuffling with protesters (including employees of Cyprus Popular Bank) outside the nation’s parliament:

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Jason of Sean's Outpost

Sean's Outpost is a page dedicated to the memory of Sean Dugas, a Pensacola journalist who was tragically murdered, and it organizes outreach for the homeless. You can donate one bitcoin and help feed over 40 people.
