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Chris Haskell - Real News Tucson

Signs! Signs! Everywhere a sign! This video is dedicated to Michael Murphy ....because we will recycle these signs and make them into signs Waking people up about Chemtrails! (Geo-Engineering is the patented name) Yes it now looks like he (Michael Mu

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Haskell
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A new bill introduced today by Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview) would criminalize invasive TSA pat downs in Texas and put the Lone Star State on course for another collision with the feds who last year torpedoed similar legislation after threatening t

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dailymail, By Reuters Reporter and Damian Ghigliot

The trail of devastation left by Hurricane Sandy has been long and trying for those still overcoming setbacks.

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One of the best parts of working in the freedom movement is the chance to know and be inspired by some truly courageous people. Opposing the state can be dangerous. Standing tall while others bow can put a big target on your chest.

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Daily Paul

This is supposed to be the land of the "free" and home of the "brave" so how many of you are willing to step forward and be one of God's info-warriors and bravely spread the truth? The PTB is on the ropes.. they are scared and the more of us tha

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Why should tyrannical, oppressive governments have all the fun with advanced technology? How many of you reading this knew that for about $1,000 (about the cost of a good AR-15) that you could buy all the parts you needed to build your own drones?

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According to her website, Naomi Wolf is an "author, social critic, and political activist [who] raises awareness of the pervasive inequities that exist in society and politics.

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If you’re like most people who wish for the Federal Reserves System to be relegated to the dustbin of history, you’re probably frustrated. No matter how much we complain to our elected “representatives” nothing ever happens to “End the Fed” and thing

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