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Article Image, Julie Bykowicz

Protesters unfurled a “Koch Kills” banner and shouted “shame on you” as wealthy donors to presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney rounded a corner in Range Rovers, Denalis and other luxury vehicles on their way to a fundraiser at the

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David McElroy

We have NO INDEPENDENCE in America. Psychopath Uncle Sam recognizes none of our God-given rights nor respects the constraints of the U.S. Constitution. He wars against us! PROTEST!

Article Image, Preethi Nallu

While world leaders negotiate in the Rio+20 meeting halls, thousands of activists have launched "The People's Summit"

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Indigenous peoples affected by the controversial Belo Monte dam complex now under construction along the Xingu River in the Brazilian Amazon have occupied a coffer dam that cuts across channels of the river since last Thursday June 21.

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This project is focused on spreading the education of the principles of Liberty. Overall goals of this campaign is to purchase the means to prints fliers, create dime cards, and fund other minor projects. Based on the success of this project, I

News Link • Global Reported By Matt Schnackenberg
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