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Adam Kokesh discusses what Ron Paul has done for him in his life. Ron Paul has opened Adams eyes to the idea that you own your life and your body, and how that has made Adam a better man. Myself Included! Ron Paul endorsed Adams Campaign for Congre

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Steve Watson Prison

Slams mainstream media as “hired guns to push an agenda” Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura called for the abolition of the Democratic and Republican parities in an appearance last night on CNN, saying they are worse than violent warring str

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To end what's been a tough week, words of wisdom and faith from self-described "tubby balding old anarchist" Dan Kinch. Also the author of "Ten Reasons to Avoid Doing Business with Amazon" and "A Clown A Hammer A Bomb and God.

Article Image, Common Dreams staff

"Most of the social scientists who are at all like me - unsentimental leftists - ... think this movement is over.

Article Image, BY Maggie Garb

In Rebel Cities, David Harvey says places like Tahrir Square and Zuccotti Park are key tools for revolution.

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Chase Rachels

Could private industries effectively take the place of the state when it comes to defense, both nationally and regionally? Chase Rachels explains some possibilities of defense production in a free, voluntary society.

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