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IPFS News Link • Activism

America’s Street Priest

•, by Chris Hedges
 The Rev. Daniel Berrigan, undaunted at 92 and full of the fire that makes him one of this nation’s most courageous voices for justice, stands in New York City’s Zuccotti Park. He is there, along with other clergy, to ask Trinity Church, which is the third-largest landowner in Manhattan, to drop charges against Occupy activists, including retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard, for occupying its empty lot on 6th Avenue and Canal Street on Dec. 17. The protesters, slated to go to court Monday, June 11, hoped to establish a new Liberty Square on the lot after being evicted by New York City police from Zuccotti in November.

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Comment by PureTrust
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"My mother used to tell me that the Universe is right on schedule."

EVERYBODY uses his/her natural freedom to some extent. We all have freedom, to some extent. And we all use it.

Ernie has shown us - has expressed, even - that there is a point when pushing libertarianism too hard, it becomes Libertarianism. When libertarianism becomes Libertarianism, it becomes the exact type of thing that it is attempting to overcome.

Nobody can FORCE his/her beliefs onto anyone else. The best that we can do is to open the minds of others to the possibilities out there, encourage them to make the right decisions, and then step back and let them live.