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March 6 marks the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo back in 1836. For more than 13 days, 186 brave and determined patriots withstood Santa Anna's seasoned army of over 4,000 troops. To a man, the defenders of that mission fort knew they would neve

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The anti-capitalist movement Occupy Wall Street is showing signs of life after a lull in activity over the winter. But a low turn-out and the absence of clearly-defined leadership are raising doubts over the group’s survival.

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C. Smith blog and YouTube video

Integrity is having your words and behavior match what you profess to believe. I’ve learned (and questioned myself leading to greater understanding) from freedom educators who were straightforward, blunt, with moral courage to call a spade a spade.

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Chris Haskell Reporter Real News Tucson

Ron Paul Signwave Tucson Az 02/25/2012! Today was quite an incredible day when it comes to supporters!!!! (Notice the Ron Paul 2012 car is parkd up on the banks corner of Brdy & Wilmot!) I don't think i've ever heard that many people that were hon

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