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The bottom line answer is your county sheriff. Ultimately, he is the one who will decide what is and what is not enforced in your county. He has the authority and is oath bound duty to interpose himself on your behalf to protect you from all enemies,

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Wall Street Journal

The newly homeless Occupy Wall Street activists on Thursday plan a citywide day of demonstrations, an event that will test both the movement's resilience following its eviction from Zuccotti Park and the city's ability to deal with the decentralized

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The Political Commentator

Are the strings of the #OWS street-level puppets that we can see about to be pulled to a new level by the puppet masters we don't see? In commentary yesterday from my visit to Zuccotti Park I had said that this was a group that seems to have lost

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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Washingtonsblog & Carl Herman

Although it's unclear of just exactly who the Occupy Wall Street crowd is and what they are striving for regarding the woes of America, it seems certain they are, if nothing else, greatly discontent. Whether or not, or to what extent th

News Link • Global Reported By J. Michael Haggard
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Anti-Wall Street protesters hoping to commandeer a worldwide television audience to air their grievances said on Thursday they would peacefully “occupy” this year’s Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.