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So there are a few lists of demands and grievances from the Wall Street protestors floating around the Internet now. Those I've seen pretty much confirm what I've seen in the various clips of protestors that are circulating: That most of the prote

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Video of Adam Kokesh interviewing students / Obama supporters at the "Occupy" Protest - (In 10 minutes Adam Kokesh is able to expose the mind set of many occupying the streets. It's up to us to educate all of Generation Next with the Truth

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Washington Post

Thousands of Egyptians turned out in the capital’s Tahrir Square on Friday to “reclaim the revolution,” about nine months after the winter uprising that ousted an autocrat and brought the country’s military leadership to power.

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Striking the root is a concept advocated by abolitionist, individualist anarchist and trancendetalist Henry David Thoreau. He believed that striking the cause (the “root”) was preferable to hacking at the effects (the “branches”).

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Lew Rockwell

Lost in the lurid and pornographic reporting of the "horrors" of the Syrian government resisting a Turkish/US/Mossad-led insurrection is the vast majority of the Syrians are disgusted by the undisguised interventionism of the US administration

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PA Campaign for Liberty Supporters

Saturday, September 24, 2011, 12:00 PM to 6 PM Valley Forge Beef & Ale 827 S Trooper Rd, Trooper, PA Please join us for a live broadcast during the Agora I/O Unconference

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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