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The Chalking of Sheriff Arpaio - "Chalk the Police" - Oct. 1st 2011

Written by Subject: Activism
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office announcement of Joe Arpaio attending "Chalk the Police" protest

Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Joe Arpaio, Sheriff
News Brief

September 29th, 2011

Sheriff Arpaio to confront “Chalking the Police”

(Maricopa County) Sheriff’s intelligence indicates a planned protest in front of the Fourth Avenue Jail on Saturday October 1st at 10:00am. Protestors will be performing a “Chalk the Police” protest where they plan to write messages regarding police abuse on the sidewalk.

Sheriff Arpaio will personally be on scene at Fourth Avenue Jail to confront the activists and says, “Anyone breaking the law will be arrested and booked into jail”.

Sheriff Arpaio will also have his chain gang on site to
clean up any damage caused by the protestors.

13-1602. Criminal damage; classification

A. A person commits criminal damage by recklessly:

1. Defacing or damaging property of another person; or

2. Tampering with property of another person so as substantially to impair its function or value; or

3. Tampering with or damaging the property of a utility.

4. Parking any vehicle in such a manner as to deprive livestock of access to the only reasonably available water.

5. Drawing or inscribing a message, slogan, sign or symbol that is made on any public or private building, structure or surface, except the ground, and that is made without permission of the owner.

B. Criminal damage is punished as follows:

1. Criminal damage is a class 4 felony if the person recklessly damages property of another in an amount of ten thousand dollars or more.

2. Criminal damage is a class 4 felony if the person recklessly damages the property of a utility in an amount of five thousand dollars or more or if the person recklessly causes impairment of the functioning of any utility.

3. Criminal damage is a class 5 felony if the person recklessly damages property of another in an amount of two thousand dollars or more but less than ten thousand dollars.

4. Criminal damage is a class 6 felony if the person recklessly damages the property of another in an amount of one thousand dollars or more but less than two thousand dollars.

5. Criminal damage is a class 1 misdemeanor if the person recklessly damages property of another in an amount of more than two hundred fifty dollars but less than one thousand dollars.

6. In all other cases criminal damage is a class 2 misdemeanor.

I talked to both the Phx PD and to Sheriff Arpaio and his PR guy.

The Phoenix PD is staying away from the County Jail and covering the front of the Phx PD Headquarters.

Sheriff Arpaio smells press coverage so he’ll be there with his chain gang to follow Chalkers around with a hose and or a scrub brush. If anyone 'obstructs' then he’ll likely arrest people.
But it was clear to me that some in his office knew that this would drag out in court as a continuous black eye if they went overboard and that the planned chalking is legal.
What was of the most interest is that the "intel" they are getting from ??? (Fusion Centers?) is that this effort is part of some Islamo Fascist effort to bring "Arab Spring" to America blah blah blah.
The idea that Americans would like to express their disapproval of heavy handed police tactics every time an individual expresses themselves confuses them.
I know Sheriff Arpaio and made it clear that all of the people I know that will be participating are peaceful individuals that are experienced activist with video cameras. I think Sheriff Arpaio understands what is going on and will hopefully refrain from violence.... better press for him (always the highest priority for him :)
But I warned that the very people telling him that this is some sort of an Arab conspiracy might be the ones that would benefit from an incident. If there is any trouble, it won't be from any of the people I know that are really part of this national effort.