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IPFS News Link • Activism

Don't be a Pawn, be a Knight - NY Protests: "Shut Down Wall Street"

• / Walter Burien

by Walter Burien - CAFR1



The Protestors in NY participating in the "Shut Down Wall Street" rallies are at this time being played as pawns to benefit the "Boys" they are protesting against.

Collective Government investment funds are "now" and have been for the last thirty-years "Wall Street".

Additionally, over forty % of government's investment capital is "now" invested internationally ; China; South America; India; Soviet Block countries; etc..

If you taxed "Government's" International and domestic investment return at all levels, and from all sources, at 2% that would knock out 80% or more of the tax burden for the general population.

If the rally cry was not Shut down Wall Street but: "Make the government's massive profits from Wall Street and their other financial centers invested in from around the world eliminate  "taxation" in the USA"  then clearly the spinal cord and brain of the body is hit effectively for consequential action in behalf of and for the future benefit of the population.

What they are doing now by parroting the shut down Wall Street hype is: Generating overtime for Police Officers; motivating millions of dollars to go to law enforcement to handle future occurrences; generating the money for the internal government gang to modify procedures and techniques for population management; giving a training exercise for the current in place population control techniques; motivating and justifying for the financial firms and exchanges to limit access and deal with population / entry control.

Anyone and everyone that you know that is involved with or participating in that event, please pass on the slogan that they "SHOULD" be using to hit with massive force the core reality of the situation.

If by some miracle the people running this event are actually genuine (and not government shills directing to meet an agenda designed to further lock down the population) and they comprehend the importance and TRUE core of the circumstances they are protesting in the first place, then maybe they will firmly take the ball and run with it with the "new" rally call being:  Make the government's massive trillion dollar profits from Wall Street and their other financial centers invested in from around the world be used to eliminate all  "taxation" in the USA 


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