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More than 100 activists, many of them active on Twitter and blogging networks, have been detained, subjected to monitoring and intimidation by the security forces, or have gone missing since late February.

News Link • Global Reported By Ronald Bogner
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Yemeni police opened fire on demonstrators attempting to expand a protest camp in the capital Sanaa on Tuesday wounding at least four, medics said. The police fired both tear gas and live rounds in an effort to prevent the protesters against Presi

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The Phoenix Crew gets the balloons that were made for the 2008 Ron Paul presidential run and blows them up for the Phoenix Tea Party. Guess what the convention center doesn't allow them in the inside. Switch to plan "B" Morpheus grabs the balloons

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The state seeks to silence anyone who practices moral courage. It does not want the truth heard. It does not want the reality seen. If these forces of war and greed triumph, and we do not, there will be darkness.