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Rich countries and international lenders are aiming to provide $40 billion in funding for Arab nations trying to establish true democracies, officials said at a Group of Eight summit Friday. Officials didn't fully detail the sources of the money,

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Adam Kokesh

Come dance with us! You don't have to risk arrest, you can dance on the steps outside in support or join us in civil disobedience in the memorial! The dancing will commence at EXACTLY 12pm! Don't forget your air guitars!

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You can command your entire “Social Universe” by broadcasting your RTR “status update” to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn, with just one click. Likewise, at RTR, when you post a video, create an event, join a group or upload a picture from ra

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Sharlene Holt, Musicians for Freedom

Is the federal government entrusted with the duty of securing the peoples’ rights? In reality, it is the duty of the States, not the federal government, to protect the individual rights of the people. Further, only PEOPLE have rights!

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French group calls for Spain-style street protests ... A French group has called for a large demonstration in Paris this weekend to show solidarity with tens of thousands of youth protesters demonstrating against austerity programs in Spain.

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Christian Science Monitor

A lack of economic progress may help account for mounting protests against Georgian President Mikhael Saakashvili. On Sunday, police used tear gas and rubber bullets to break up a mostly peaceful rally. A 'day of rage' is slated for May 25.

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David McElroy

Are you serious about Truth, Justice, & Liberty, or is it just a spectator sport for you? If you are determined to seek these things, and fight for them, you know Jesus is libertarian and we can win!

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Ed Vallejo

That was the contention of the Phoenix Ron Paul MeetUp Group after their first MeetUp since Ron Paul's Declaration of Intention to run for PRESIDENT in 2012.

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A Saudi mother said she defied a ban on women drivers in the ultra-conservative kingdom by getting behind the wheel for 4 days without being stopped. Najla al-Hariri, a housewife in her mid-30s, said she drove "to defend her belief that Saudi women s

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ME - Organizer of the FIRST Ron Paul MeetUp Group

Ron says he's IN TO WIN - are YOU!?! The Ron Paul R3VOLUTION - PHOENIX MeetUp Group has their first MeetUp after the official Declaration - COME GET INVOLVED!

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Washington Post

The swift toppling of the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt, in rapid succession, has been followed by months of deepening bloodshed and brutality across the Arab world, underscoring the power that autocrats still wield after decades of dictatorship.