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Pro Liberate

Thomas J. Ball, who committed suicide by self-immolation on the steps of New Hampshire's Cheshire County Courthouse on June 15, was a man who had been broken by the State. A lengthy suicide note/manifesto he sent to the Keene Sentinel, which was publ

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NY Times

Mr. Protess was the founder and driving force behind the Medill Innocence Project, which was instrumental in exonerating at least 12 wrongly convicted defendants and freeing them from prison, including five who were on death row in Illinois, and in p

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Washington Post

At least 29 women in Saudi Arabia drove their cars Friday, after Internet campaigns inspired by the uprisings across the Arab world urged them to flout the country’s de facto ban on female drivers. At least one of the women is believed to have be

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We are tired of the mainstream media PRETENDING there is not a Republican alternative candidate for president. Do your conscience and your nation a favor and please investigate Ron Paul for President.

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Access to the website of Spain's national police force was blocked for over an hour late on Saturday in a reprisal attack by the hackers' group Anonymous, the newspaper El Mundo said on its website Sunday. El Mundo said the group had warned police

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Washington Post

A 20-year-old woman who recited poems critical of Bahrain’s rulers — and later claimed she was beaten in jail — was sentenced Sunday to a year in prison as part of the kingdom’s crackdown on Shiite protesters calling for greater rights. The ruling

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Rod Class and Carl Weston are stirring it up in D.C. They had a meeting yesterday, Friday, June 10, 2011 at 10am with members of the House Judiciary Committee. This is get a meeting on such short notice ! To see the YouTube made

News Link • Global Reported By Jim Palmisano
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Washington Post

Syria’s government asserted 120 soldiers had been killed by armed protesters in the northern town of Jisr al-Shughour, amid indications that what began as a peaceful protest movement is turning into an armed rebellion in at least some parts of the co

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The International Libertarian

We have also learned that despots prefer timid subjects. In the USA the imperial government desecrates the memory of Thomas Jefferson by insisting that all behave timidly in said place. Words like “solemn” and “reverent” flow from them to describe th

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe