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Fourth of July - Freedoms Phoenix Digital Magazine coming edition

Written by Subject: Activism
Letter to potential and past writers
Freedoms Phoenix Digital Magazine
Those of you with Tablet or Smartphone devices can see where this new technology is going. As the authoritarian fist of oppression squeezes tighter on the Internet, these interactive eZine files will be the new underground communication of ideas and news that do not rely on government regulated transmission tools.
(a memory key in your pocket is worth a truckload of print… which we use to have to contend with :)

The Printing Press & Ditto Machines had their day in the sun. They were autonomous and effective, but had their limitations (cost, production, distribution). Fax Trees, Email lists and Web Sites all have autonomy concerns. I see where the eZine format is going and why. I also understand the threat it represents to The State (and what risks come with that, so my risks are calculated as best I am able… but I am edgy for a reason :)

Freedoms Phoenix Digital Magazine – Fourth of July Edition

What the First Edition accomplished was to set a standard, a philosophy and a path. It is also the beginning of an understanding of how the FreedomsPhoenix site is a tool for individuals as long as it is allowed by ‘outside forces’ (they are a pesky bunch), but the eZine is designed to also be totally autonomous from the website. The website is an additional, but not required, tool (this will become much more obvious as time passes and we finish the tutorials).

The 2nd Edition, The Fourth of July Edition, will detail how individuals are putting the philosophy detailed in the First Edition into practice. I’ll be spending the entire week at PorcFest 2011 with enough activists and stories to fill several editions, so I won’t be short of content. Those of you that would like to contribute something along these lines are welcome. I will be focusing on The Individual vs. The Man (Adam Kokesh’s “Dance Party at TJ’s” leaps to mind). Many of the writers in the Inaugural Edition of the eZine have a personal story that is exactly what I hope to include in the 2nd Edition. Others of you certainly have the ability to write about those activist efforts that inspired you and others. The Fourth of July Edition will turn into an “How To” in the minds of many and will become a reference for “Generation Next”… Watch J

Edition 3 will focus on Being Prepared (it’ll be very timely by then).

Edition 4 is still under full consideration.

But the first 3 editions have been near completion in my head for a long time. The most common concern form close friends that have already read the first issue is, ‘how am I going to top the first one?’. I remember the scene in Gattaca where the hero is asked how he can go so far. He answered that he doesn’t save anything for the trip back….

There is never going to be another First Edition. This was it. But there _is_ going to be a First Fourth of July Edition and a First ‘Get Ready’ Edition and a First ??? Edition.

Soooo, now that you see a bit of what is in my head…. Please let me know if you wish to participate in any of the next two editions. We are already starting to build the Fourth of July issue. I’m hoping that by the 19th of June I can have the articles in hand or KNOW when to expect them soon after that. I’ll be traveling a lot this summer promoting the Digital Magazine so I will be relying heavily on Sierra and the rest of the team to make the Release date of Friday July 1st a certainty.

Thanks for such a great result… the praises are coming in constantly.

By Monday evening June 6th we will have replaced the eZine files to be downloaded for the Magazine with all of the corrections suggested. This is the advantage of a Digital Magazine. You can tell when the last update was made by the file name.
(Legend: The latest file was created Friday June 3rd at 11:34pm (Arizona Time). This particular file is in High Resolution)

Keep in mind that any PDF file that has been emailed will float around in Cyberspace forever anyway. As time passes and the editions build up these may gain in popularity/infamy just like errors on minted coins or typos on stamps… we’ll cope :)
