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IPFS News Link • Activism

Rebel of the Week: Adam Kokesh and His Sweet Moves

• Silver Circle
Arrested for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial? It would be funny if it wasn't true. On Saturday, in defiance of an unconstitutional ban on dancing at public monuments, a silent flash mob erupted at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. The move was to protest the decision by US District Judge John D. Bates to ban dancing at Washington's monuments, stating that it wasn't how Jefferson should be memorialized. In response to the flash mob, Park Police arrested the dance troupe, led by political activist Adam Kokesh, host of the syndicated radio-show "Adam vs. The Man" and Iraq War vet, for "demonstrating without a permit", and were held for five hours before being released. While this was bad enough, a viral video was released showing some of the protestors being violently thrown to the ground by the Park Rangers, in what can only be described as an obvious display of police brutality. Dancing, even if you are the worst dancer known to man, is a free act of expression, which la

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Comment by Don Wills
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What's the point?

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