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Christian Science Monitor

Having received an honorable discharge from active duty, former Marine Sgt. Adam Kokesh thought he could once again partake in all the privileges of civilian life, namely free speech. So Mr. Kokesh, who'd served one tour of duty in Fallujah with

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Adam Kokesh REVOLUTIONARY PATRIOT with Iraq Veterans Against the War was given a brief chance to address the attendees of the Gulf Coast 9/11 Truth Symposium. Here's what he had to say.

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Marc Stevens

If you file or report to the IRS and other tax agencies, send an affidavit of fear with the return. Let them know you are only complying out of a sense of terror, not because you think there is a legitimate obligation. You may comply, but you will

News Link • Global Reported By Marc Stevens
Article Image | |In this edition of the Reality Report, Gary turns up the heat on Delaware State Trooper Jennifer Griffin for her attack on property rights in The Rant. In our Headlines, Angie discusses the debut of WikiCount

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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5 elderly peace activists, 2 of them Jesuit priests, were sentenced to prison terms of 2 to 15 months for breaking into the Navy's Trident nuclear submarine base in Washington. The prison terms, to be followed by a year of supervised probation for ea