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Farm Wars

Make the most of your organic cents. Eating healthy is difficult if both parents work full time, and are on a limited budget. Don't despair, it can be done. Eating healthy is not only for the rich!

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The International Libertarian

“The kick that the left really needed “ are the words of one of the protesters. These are high hopes that will not be realized. Who are these Occupy Philly people? What do they stand for? Who do they represent? Let’s take a look.

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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Common Dreams

Few other police forces expect more than a few thousand to turn out on the day for what is billed as an exercise in social media-spread, Arab Spring-inspired, grassroots democracy with an emphasis on peaceful, homespun debate, as seen among Madrid's

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Mother Jones

Now approaching its fourth week in Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street, or #OWS as it's known on Twitter, has become the nexus of a global protest movement with satellites in more than 120 cities. It has galvanized activists on the left and won over a

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The Daily Bell

We, a working group of people currently occupying Liberty Park and many other locations throughout the US, are growing increasingly concerned about divide and conquer attempts being made to co-opt the movement.

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How many will show up, let alone stay to camp out to disrupt city centers for days, or months, to come, is anyone's guess. The hundreds at Manhattan's Zuccotti Park were calling for back-up on Friday, fearing imminent eviction. Rome expects tens of t

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The Political Commentator

Lazy little children (along with their lazy parents) who don't want to go house to house will receive just as much candy as the "millionaire and billionaire" little children who do! This is exactly the type of "economic utopia" that the Occup

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman