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by Janette Sherman and Joseph J. Mangano

There is good news and bad news: The good news is that 11 months after the Fukushima meltdown, thousands of Japanese marched in the streets to protest the continuing operation of nuclear power plants in their country, and urged a shift to renewable e

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by Marcela Valente

Increasingly frequent and tragic railway accidents in Argentina, like this week’s crash, show that the rail system, run by private companies that receive hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies from the state, constantly ignores warnings from in

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Chris Haskell Reporter Real News Tucson

Channel 09 KGUN 9 Guy atchley does a hit piece on chemtrails! They claimed that some guy I've never heard of put up those signs around town, which is a total lie! They know who put out those signs and it ain't that guy! Then they use the same loser

News Link • Global Reported By Mark Horning
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Chris Haskell - Real News Tucson

Ron Paul Tucson Meet-up groups signs! This is this weeks Ron Paul "Sign Machine" work! Reporter Chris Haskell (REAL NEWS TUCSON) 02/20/

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Haskell
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Paul Joseph Watson

Before featuring in National Geographic’s new show Doomsday Prepper, David Sarti visited his doctor complaining of chest pains, only to have the doctor later commit him to a psychiatric ward and alert authorities, before Sarti was declared “mentally

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by Jason Ditz, February 14, 2012

The Bahraini regime has arrested six US citizens today during a protest march in the capital city of Manama. The protesters were with the group Witness Bahrain, a new organization founded to monitor human rights abuses in Bahrain.