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Ron Paul: 1,000 Yard Signs


We used 1,000 Ron Paul signs to make this video possible. had a lot of fun making this. Come talk to us on facebook-
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3 Comments in Response to

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Suka, it looks like you are showing your espertise in advertising and photo-journalism. Ron Paul should dump his handlers and instead hire you. If you could come out with a mature photo presentation of promotional ads in the campaign trail that would lift up Ron Paul's rapidly sagging image, he might change his mind to drop out from the race.  They are wasting so much money anyway, and better catch some of it.  But seriously, I am still looking forward to a date that PureTrust had in mind.

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

Observe carefully the picture in the background.The planting of the American Flag -- where was that, in Iwo Jima? -- that signify the capture of a sector of the battlefield from the Japanese in WWII is ridiculous! If it is meant to send a message of victory to the public, it works against Ron Paul because Ron Paul has never won a single primary. Notice that even in photo-advertising, the projection of subliminal message to the public in favor of Ron Paul comes out as a propaganda lie that I supposed is not meant to be. The brain behind Ron Paul's propaganda campaign is substandard. Creativity is childish. It does not rise beyond the audience of the retarded.

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

It looks like Arlington Cemetery -- where Ron Paul's so many failed attempts to run for President are buried.