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LIzzy a woman for Peace demonstrates for the rights of individuals who are incarcerated in Guantanamo, Cuba and are being held as enemy combatants. "Enemy Combatants" is a relatively new government or should I say MAFIA term u

David McElroy

"What we have here.... is a failure to communicate," truthfully. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "Cool Hand Luke", and Jesus Christ died for truth. So did Winston. Will you discover, declare, and defend truth in pursuit of liberty?

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This week on the Police Accountability Report: Border patrol agent hiding immigrants in a secret room under his house TX authorities giving away door prizes seized through asset forfeiture Off the record” (not really) interview with John Blue, a f

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2/6/2011 Update - Added PSD files for the sylized "W" in the logo. There is 1 PSD for use on light/white backgrounds and a different PSD for use on black/dark backgrounds. 1/14/2011 Update -- Added Ron Paul & Bernanke photoshop im

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I knew I was an extremist from the time Barry Goldwater announced that "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

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Next week is Martin Luther King Jr. Day... a day in celebration of one of the most world renowned practitioners of civil disobedience. Did you know that it was partially Henry David Thoreau's ideas of disobeying unjust laws that lead to the enormous

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On January 10th, 2011, Adam Mueller and Pete Eyre reported before the kangaroo court in Greenfield, MA to answer charges brought against them over the summer. The judge excused herself from the courtroom and issued a continuance to both of the perse

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The word “libertarian” indicates support for individual liberty – the freedom of the individual to live without unnecessary restrictions from authority. Tea Party supporters vary in how libertarian or authoritarian they are. But anarchists, realizing

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An anti-war demonstrator who hurled a pie at the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee in August was charged Thursday in the attack. Ms. Ahlam Mohsen, 23, faces a count of assault for hitting Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) in the face with an ap