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IPFS News Link • Activism

Is #OWS New York City planning to take the movement to a whole new level?

• The Political Commentator
Are the strings of the #OWS street-level puppets that we can see about to be pulled to a new level by the puppet masters we don't see? In commentary yesterday from my visit to Zuccotti Park I had said that this was a group that seems to have lost its relevance. That in order to get that relevance back, what steps would the actual leaders of this movement need to command the rank and file to take? Is #OWS going MOWS (Mobile Occupy Wall Street)? According to this article from Crain's New York the movement may be going militant, leaving Zuccotti Park to try and "take over" and disrupt other neighborhoods around the city. "... a group planning a series of militant protests Thursday that could signal a new, disruptive direction for the movement...

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