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IPFS News Link • Activism

Occupy Wall Street Airs TV Ads


Not content with how the movement has been covered in the mainstream media, Occupy Wall Street supporters are now buying TV ads to get their message out.

The first ad (embedded below), which aired this weekend on Fox News, CBS Sports, ESPN, and other stations, features several protesters speaking into a camera, one by one, about what they’re hoping to achieve. “I want corporations out of the government, and people back in,” one says. “I want the top wealthiest Americans to be taxed higher, and that money to go to education,” adds another.

The 30-second spot, put together by director David Sauvage and composer Glenn Grossman, appears to be an attempt to debunk the conventional wisdom that the movement lacks coherent goals. With a cast of healthy, smiling, well-adjusted-looking activists, it also appears to challenge popular images of the protesters as dirty hippies or fringe characters.

Sauvage told MSNBC, “I want people to see it and say that the people that are protesting are real people with meaningful concerns that I can relate to. And hopefully, in a subtle way, the ad helps shift the conversation.”

Two more ads are also in the works.

