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IPFS News Link • Activism

They’re baack! Occupy plotting spring chaos. Targets include DNC, NATO, G-8 summits.


The Occupy movement is likely to escalate months before the Sept. 3-6 event. A slew of extremist organizations, some tied to Obama, are preparing protests to coincide with major NATO and G-8 summits slated for Chicago in May.

Foreshadowing possible violent confrontations, some of the same radical trainers behind the infamous 1999 Seattle riots against the World Trade Organization have been mobilizing new protest efforts geared toward world summits.

The plans for the Democratic convention are posted on a central website, More than three dozen organizations, including labor, anti-war and so-called civil rights and immigrants rights groups are joining together to initiate a coalition.

The group calls for:

Good jobs for all! Economic justice now – Make the banks and corporations pay for their crisis! Money for education, health care, housing and all human needs, not for war and incarceration! Justice for immigrants and all oppressed peoples! Stop the raids and deportations! 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Hep, hep hooray to NDAA! More power to Homeland Security. Keep that FBI Watch List up-to-date every second of every minute, every hour of the day. Arrest and handcuff, oh ... I like it! More arrests and handcuffs ... I love it. I feel safe.

Comment by brag
Entered on:

 Not to worry. The FBI Watch List is updated 24-hours a day.
