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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ron Paul stresses RNC rally importance

•, Jeffrey Phelps

In an official campaign update Friday, Ron Paul stressed the importance that all his supporters do what they can to make it to Tampa in August for the pre-RNC rally and Republican National Convention.

All the years of hard work have come down to this. After 12 full terms in Congress, a third attempt at the highest office in the land, decades of vying for a chance to have a platform on a national political stage and a virtual lifetime of trying to get a specific message to the people of America is all coming down to one single weekend in late August.

The media said he couldn't do it. The constant drumming of negative press and a sea of political talking heads all scoffed at the prospect he even considered running in the first place. Literally calling him crazy, too old, not strong enough, a radical, racist, out of touch with the establishment, and anything else they could think of to attempt demonizing him and his candidacy.

11 Comments in Response to

Comment by SamFox
Entered on:

 True, it is difficult to educate Homer Simpsons, so I leave this for open minded fact seekers.

 Ron was able to write books on economics because he has the knowledge. Where did Ron ever say he was the only expert? When did he ever say he is an economic expert because he studied medicine. You progs who pretend to be conservative always have to make stuff up.

You have any better suggestions, ideas or policies than Ron's, put them up for us.  You seem very eager to tear Ron Paul down with your smarmy childish jive, so how about you tell us how to fix the economic mess. If the air of superiority you proffer was based on substance [in your delusional state you seem to think your jive is substantive], how about you give us the answers. Or even SOME remedies.

Keynesian economists say big govt spending helps & they support massive govt spending & the status quo.  Hayek leaning economists agree with Ron Paul. We say big govt is the problem, not the answer. Who do you follow?

You would do yourself a great service if you researched The Depression You Never Heard Of that occurred in the early 20's. We got out of that depression because govt spending, taxing & regulation were reduced & the [privately owned] 'Fed' didn't print a lot of $$, the free market was set free & we had a huge boom. Following the Hayek model worked and the mess was fixed rather quickly compared to the Great D.

We got into & stayed much longer in the great depression because govt spent more to 'fix' the problem, raised taxes, created work programs & added regulation. And the 'Fed' fired up the printing presses. the free market was stifled by taxes & regulation & we got a huge bust. Following the Keynesian model failed. Keynes' ideas are NOW failing again, because socialist style central planning & over taxation to pay for govt programs take $$ from the private sector. Socialist type govt has run out of other people's money again. In the great depression govt relied on itself & failed. Govt should have let the free market fix the mess...but they didn't. Today is a repeat of those huge mistakes.

Ron Paul is against central planning, high taxation, over regulating, govt bailouts & the 'to big to fail' concept. Dr. Paul is for commodity backed currency, free markets with minimal regulation & letting We The People do their free market things. Which I take it, are all bad things to you JV.





Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Let me butt in.  Human nature? As if you pretend to understand what it means. I wrote my Thesis on this subject.  But to you -- what does it mean?  I ask because this subject is too deep for any retarded or scatterbrain to talk about.

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

PureTrust, it seems evident why Kim Dryer calls you a "whore" -- just flirting, no focus when you talk. Civilized people organized themselves into a World of Nations, to the exclusion of barbarians or the uncivilized. Savages do not belong to the World of Nations, neither are you -- the way you talk out of your wandering cabiza, Kapis?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

JV, if you only understood human nature! People of the different races don't mix. Any one-world nation is doomed to failure right along with its currency. This is the reason that the United Nations has to militarily force its control onto nations of the world. People of different races don't mix willingly. And they won't ever be happy with a one-world currency.

Now, if you ever want to see this for a fact for yourself, all you need to do is look at the little conflicts that we have here in this forum. So, if we as Americans can't agree, how do you expect the nations of the world to agree on anything for long?

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

PureTrust if you only understand Economics, you will know that the goal of the world of nations is to have a one-world currency. There are of course difficulties to surmount but they are on the road towards that ultimate objective.  The Austrian Gold and Silver as the the world standard for money is a dead duck in the pond long, long time ago. But what is the point of bringing this up when you read only Economics written by a politician who after delivering more than 400 babies claimed he is the nation's only expert in Economics?  Anything you say about Economics ... anything at all, is trash.

My, my ...not only little or very scanty understanding but also wrong knowledge, of Economics, is an abominable NUISANCE and at the same time dangerous! 

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

'"... Ron Paul has written some books on economics." Who reads them ... you?' All you need to look at is how many economic problems our nation faces right now - how messed up the whole economy of the world is - to see that nobody in banking and Government is reading Ron Paul's books. But if they are, it is obvious that they are not taking his info to heart by applying it.

The truth is, the banking and Government powers that be are attempting to collapse the economies of the world. Why? The same dollar being used among the 50 united States was not enough. The Euro being used among the nation-States of Europe was not enough. What they want is a one-world currency so that they can control the economies of the whole world.

You watch! As they make more economic problems worldwide, they will start to offer a one-world currency as the solution. Then the people will accept, and they (the bankers) will become the greatest worldwide empire to ever rise... and fall !!!

But who does it hurt? All of us little people and our posterity.

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

 You can't educate an idiot -- we only have schools for the mentally retarded!

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

"... Ron Paul has written some books on economics." Who reads them ... you? This explains why you are as screwed up as he is! Admit that no SANE man would claim that he became an "expert" in Economics by studying Medicine! That's pretty much screwed up. Why is that hard for you to admit? It is because you yourself doesn't know any Economics until you read his books and believed that what you read was "Economics" written by one who studied and delivered more than 400 babies to become an economic expert.  What kind of lunacy is that? None of what Ron Paul and his followers said or believed about the U.S. economy makes any economic sense at all! No Central Bank, abolish the Feds, IRS and income tax ... amend the law of supply and demand ... to solve the country's economic problems and to make life better, etc...  How in hell would any normal-thinking American believe all these crap ...?

Comment by SamFox
Entered on:

Anon P is right on.

 Suka is very ignorant of how much Ron Paul knows about economics. Another Spooky Dude Homer Simpson shill? Who knows...

Had Suka done any research, Suka would know that Ron Paul has written some books on economics. Ron DOES know what he is talking about. Ron WOULD fix the economy, in conjunction with Congress of course, as Ron Paul would go by the Constitution & Founder's intent rather than the  privately owned 'Federal' Reserve's dictates.

 Doesn't take a great deal of college to know that no entity, govt or private, can spend more than they take in & survive long term. Especially if they do a LOT of heavy borrowing to cover the shortfalls that result from spending on stuff there is no $$ for. 

 Any one up on the Collapse The System Agenda as outlined by Cloward & Pivon? Time to find out if ya don't. Collapse the USA financially. That's both Bushes, [Clinton backed off IMO a little], 0bama, Romney, much of Congress & other past administrations in a nutshell.

Dr. Paul would be correct in his assessment of the over spending & ponzi cover up borrowing, the 'Fed', fractional reserve lending & fiat $$ even if he were not well educated in monetary policy. The Austrian policies are the only ones that work. Keynes was wrong about big govt spending. All govt does is suck up $$ from the private sector weakening it. Govt produces no goods & most of it's services are a bad joke.And sooner or later, this communist $ policy runs out of other people's $$. We are seeing that now!

Hayek was right that it's the private sector that needs to be freed up. People need to look up

 The Depression You Never Heard Of

 Copy & paste the phrase in a search & learn something about how to REALLY end a depression, recession or what ever ya wanna call it. Hint: Get big govt out of the way!






Comment by Suka
Entered on:

It is an exercise in futility. Ignorance of what politicians want to know about the function of the Fed, is worse than mere stupidity.  Since when did Ron Paul become a monetary expert?  After studying Medicine?  You must be kidding me.

Comment by Anon Patriot
Entered on:

It's July 9th, 2012 - Do YOU KNOW what time it is?
(It's time to pass H.R. 459, and AUDIT THE 'FED'!)

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