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IPFS News Link • Activism

URGENT: It Appears Ben Swann Needs Our Help

• Daily
 I don't think it takes much of an imagination to reach the likely conclusion he is being shut down. I could be wrong but that's what appears to be happening.

This is the same guy that actually asked Obama and Romney some very tough questions recently and those vids went big-time viral. In addition to this, Mr. Swann has made well over 100 videos that covered important political topics. Many of us have shared his videos and have felt very proud to have him be part of our Liberty movement.

We need to fight what appears to be fire......with fire.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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FOX19 has put a stop to Ben's independent youtube channel for copyright reasons.  His postings are still available on his affiliate.  Presumably they can be copied from there.

I do however agree with Daily Paul that a big way for little effort to help Ben is to "Like" his facebook page if you have a facebook account using the DP link provided.