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Something very good – though very dangerous to the congealing police state (but not to liberty-minded people) has occurred:

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‘Lame-Stream Media,... Media that is soooo Last Century’ even if they understood our intent (which I’m certain that they did) they have no understanding of even how to tell the story or what the real issues are. Donna and I were visiting with friends in Florida this past week and knew we were going to miss all the fun :)  I did get a call from the reporter

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Would you renounce your U.S. citizenship if it meant you’d be sending less of your hard-earned dollars to Uncle Sam? Do you want affordable health care? Do you desire to live a long and healthy life? Do you want your children to have an affordable co

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Today, William Diamond's drum again beats the long roll. We do not seek a civil war, but one is being thrust upon us. If we do not now stand, then when will we? We must defy these intolerable acts, whatever their source, and challenge the collectivi

News Link • Global Reported By J E Andreasen
Article Image, by Abby Zimet

Palestinian political prisoner Samer Issawi is reportedly near death, shackled to his bed, after six and a half months on a hunger strike in an Israeli prison - the longest hunger strike in history.

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I was contemplating how many ways that we are under attack from the globalists and there are almost too many variables to count. After reading the following list, if one is not motivated to fight, then we get the government we deserve.

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