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Mark Zuckerberg Hosts Chris Christie At His House, Upsetting A Lot Of Women And LGBT Activists

• Business Insider

But the event attracted a crowd of about 40 protestors, including those advocating for women's health and LGBT rights, Bloomberg's Terrence Dopp and Alison Vekshin report.

As the guests arrived, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, they were greeted by protestors chanting, "One, two, three, four, this is not the Jersey Shore. Five, six, seven, eight, Zuck send Christie to his state."

Christie, a Republican who is seeking re-election this year, has blocked efforts by Democrats to raise taxes on the wealthy, increase funding for reproductive services like Planned Parenthood, and advance gay rights.

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Comment by Alicia Pepin
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 Mark Zuckerberg is sick