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L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

Today her kindergarten class had a Christmas concert (complete with State-sponsored Christianity). I was shocked, although I probably shouldn't have been, when they began the program with a Nazi ritual: the Pledge of Allegiance. I did not stand or ch

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Lew Rockwell blog

Satirist and Iraq war veteran Essam Attia was arrested by the New York police department after he switched out advertisements from display cases at bus stops and other public locations and replaced them with his own bit of brilliant social critique

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Egypt's Islamist president has given the army temporary power to arrest civilians during a constitutional referendum he is determined to push through despite the risk of bloodshed between his supporters and opponents accusing him of a power grab.

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The International Libertarian

The Montgomery County, PA libertarians gave out the Monty Awards for distinguished activism at their holiday party on December 7, 2012. Great acceptance speeches were given by Larken Rose, Betsy Summers, Lou Jasikoff, Mike Salvi, and Richard Schwarz.

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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Ron Paul talks all the time about reaching out and inspiring young people and I know why now beyond the obvious future political reasons. It just plain feels good to change young people's lives.