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IPFS News Link • Government

Encourage the protection of all people in all Schools from harm by crazy people.


1. Laws do not keep crazy people from obtaining firearms

2. Words have no magical properties. Saying that an area is a Gun Free zone, does not make it a Gun free zone.

3. Given tens of millions of people, it is impossible to find every possible crazy person out there who might, in the future, decide that they want to kill many people with minimum risk to their success.

4. No individual has EVER gone into a police bar, or police station, and committed mass murder.

Thus I petition that the president encourage, at a state level, in line with the US constitution, that all states encourage their schools to have at least one staff member be trained to use and carry a firearm while at work at school, or to hire such a person who could also be a clerk or otherwise do useful work.
