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How to stop a massacre: Surveillance video reveals simple, low-cost solution that works everywhere


In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater shooting, a surveillance video has surfaced that shows the simple, obvious answer to the question on everybody’s mind: How do we stop a massacre?

The answer is revealed in the stunning short video shown below. This remarkable solution:

• Requires no police.
• Costs the taxpayers no money.
• Requires no up-front paperwork.
• Protects innocent lives.
• Is deployed in as little as FIVE seconds.
• Works everywhere.
• Deters violent crime.
• Makes bad guys flee immediately.
• Is easy to learn.
• Functions at the local level.
• Does not require control or intervention by the United Nations or any government entity.

Watch the video at:

Or just click PLAY to see it here:

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anon Patriot
Entered on:

Look, the 'globalists' want DE-POPULATION, and this guy, on the same drugs that Heath Ledger took (reportedly), with a crazed look, and red hair, saying "I am the Joker" (from the Batman movies) - HE GAVE 'EM SOME DE-POPULATION.  Ok.  He helped out the 'elites', in their plan for de-population.  Yes, it really is too bad, that 1) it was a 'gun-free' zone, inside that theatre, and 2) there were no gun-owners there to stop this guy, before he took 12 innocent lives, and injured many, many more.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

This is actually something many people wondered as soon as they heard the story of the shooting.  Out of a jammed theater premiering a huge summer blockbuster movie at midnight NOBODY, no one, nada, zip, zero persons were armed other than the shooter!   Where are the brave little gang bangers when you need one?  Grabbing coffee with the cops?

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Yes, and if I remember the original story, "prosecutors were deciding whether or not to charge the shooter, but thought it unlikely he would be charged."  Big of them.