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IPFS News Link • Activism

Liberty Tour 2013 with Jordan Page and Oathkeepers

• Liberty Tour
What Is The Liberty Tour?

Music has always been an instrumental force in shaping and defining culture, showing us who we are and who we wish to be.  In uncertain times such as these, when our country is caught up in multiple armed conflicts around the world, when our economy teeters on the edge of a knife, and the citizenry is clearly divided about how we wish our society to proceed, it becomes necessary for voices of conscience in the arts to reflect our better nature that we may evolve and be better to each other.  Nowhere is understanding and perspective more necessary than within the ranks of the US military, as a myriad of unconstitutional federal laws threaten to force them to disobey their oaths to uphold and defend the constitution.

The Oath Keepers Liberty Military Base Tour was conceived for this purpose: to provide perspective and constitutional understanding to America’s troops through the vehicle of music.  What this tour seeks to accomplish is to provide a clear picture to our troops of what their oath to defend the constitution really means, and to empower them to do so through peaceful means.  Jordan Page is a champion of liberty and a prominent voice of the peace movement in America.  He will be headlining this tour with his band at venues across the country in close proximity to military bases, in which troops and veterans will receive free admission in thanks for their service.  Stewart Rhodes,former Army paratrooper and founder of Oath Keepers, will speak to the troops at each event and educate them about the dangers of the NDAA, Patriot Act, and many other dangerous legislative assaults on our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. We are currently in the fundraising and planning phase for the tour, and are seeking donations and sponsorships to help with operating costs so that we can plan successful events and offer these concerts to the troops at no cost to them.  We are also trying to raise funds to make it possible to bring more pro-liberty bands to the roster. The first base tour concert date is scheduled for January 18th, 2013 in Ft Hood, TX.

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Liberty Tour 2013

The Liberty Tour begins on January 18th, 2013 with Jordan Page and Rebel Inc singing the message of liberty to the troops in a benefit concert for our military stationed at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas.