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IPFS News Link • Activism

Tea Party lashes out at ‘Monsanto Protection Act’

 The provision has now sparked so much outrage that both the far right and the far left are uniting in their condemnation of Section 735 of the Agricultural Appropriations Bill, which President Barack Obama signed into law last week.

This section, which critics refer to as the ‘Monsanto Protection Act’, safeguards the biotech company from any sort of litigation. Buried within the 78-page bill, the provision allows agriculture companies to plant and sell genetically modified seeds and genetically modified organisms, without facing the risk of litigation.

The passage of the provision has led to nationwide protests and a Food Democracy Now petition that at least 250,000 people have signed in opposition to the provision. Members of the Tea Party Patriots have also taken a stance against the ‘Monsanto Protection Act’, which was first revealed through a blog post published by the party on its website. Dustin Siggins, a blogger for the Tea Party, narrowed down the political group’s perspective, which may differ in terms of environmental beliefs but which remains consistent in its opposition to the legal bypasses that the provision grants biotech companies like Monsanto.

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