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IPFS News Link • Activism

I'm Keeping the Lights on for Earth Hour

• The Daily Bell

Are you going to turn off your lights? I'm not. I think the world has plenty of energy, and if it doesn't that's only because free-market forces haven't been allowed to operate.

So I think we ought to celebrate Earth Hour by turning ON lights. Metaphorically it works very well. Keep the lights blazing instead of dimming them. That's the idea of Human Achievement Hour ... the brainchild of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

It's about time that these "Earth" celebrations had some competition. They are dressed up as concern for the environment but when you unpack their messages, you're left with a perspective that is merely or mostly Luddite. We should munch lettuce while shivering in the dark.

Here's more on Earth Hour from Al Jazeera: