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IPFS News Link • Activism

GMOs hiding in almost all food in this country, what are you doing about it?

GMOs are in more than 75% of foods in the US now, and the number continues to increase year after year. Not only are they in almost everything, but since labeling isn’t required they remain hidden and you have to research all the potential ingredients that are likely to be GMO (which is also constantly increasing). Recent research has shown that GMOs are carcinogenic, toxic to people’s livers, kidneys, and blood, and their related herbicide partner RoundUp contributes to birth defects, a number of brain disorders such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Autism in addition to a number of other effects which are only now beginning to come to light.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Stupid Amerkin
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If the fluoridated consumers came together to boycott all the stores who sell this poison, it may get their attention and the corporations would have to change, but it won't happen and the sheeple will continue business as usual wondering why they are all sick and dying.