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IPFS News Link • Activism

There's a New Armed March on D.C.

• Meghan Kellison
With tensions among libertarians heightened after Adam Kokesh announced an armed march on D.C., another activist has begun to organize a march on D.C. Austin Petersen of Freedomworks has created an event titled the Armed Toy Gun March on Washington.

Taking a humorous approach to activism, the march will feature toy guns and squirt guns instead of loaded firearms and is set to take place July 3rd, one day before the other march. This is a great opportunity to show your outrage at stricter gun control legislation by using humor to quell an emotional response and strawmanning from the left wing media.

D.C. is known for its strict gun laws, and the police chief of the city has come out saying she will meet the armed march with loaded weapons with full force of the police. This could prove disastrous for a march whose intentions are peaceful despite the misinformed method.

As I mentioned before, libertarians are divided on the issue of whether an armed march on D.C. is a way to secure gun rights, and many are concerned about the backlash it could cause the movement and the potential for violence against innocent people. By using humor, we can show that the liberty movement is a peaceful one, but also show the absurdity of gun control laws and public school overreactions over displays of innocuous gun shaped pastries and fingers. This nonthreatening approach can soften the image of gun rights advocates, many of whom just want to be left alone to coexist peacefully with their neighbors and not start an insurrection. Perhaps the day may come when people have to rise up and take back their rights, but a full on armed march on D.C. may be jumping the gun.