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Activist Is Trying To Get 10,000 People To March On DC With Loaded Rifles

• Business Insider
 Independence Day in Washington, D.C. may see bigger fireworks if the "Open Carry March" put forth by a Marine veteran turned libertarian activist actually goes forward.
Adam Kokesh, 31, is planning a July 4 rally of pro-gun activists openly carrying rifles from Virginia to Washington as an act of "civil disobedience." The plan, according to his Facebook event page, is to march across Memorial Bridge with rifles loaded and slung across the back "to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated [and] cower in submission to tyranny."

The invite continues, stating, " ... This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent."

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Strmic
Entered on:

I disagree with the above comment, I'm glad you weren't giving advise to the colonialist rebels in Lexington and Concord. If they took your advise we still be British.

Comment by Joeyman9
Entered on:

Too much potential for disaster here.  What will probably happen (assuming no incident is provoked) is that they will get to the bridge into DC and be looking at a bunch of guys dressed in full military gear with rifles pointed at them.  Then the march would, most likely, return to Arlington, disband, and go home making the point that armed citizens are not allowed in the nation's capital.  OTOH,  the disaster, and also a likely outcome, would be a shot fired into the marchers, followed by a few round of full auto and lots of casualties.  And all the police would say that they were "afraid for their lives."  It would be a bloody event and reignite the entire gun issue.  If you were the bad guys think how many ways you could plot and turn this little event to your legislative advantage to get what you want.  The one, and probably only, battle THEY are prepared to fight is the one you want to give them.  Not smart. Tsung Sue would not be pleased.