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By Paul Craig Roberts

In response to my short essay on November 9 (, a reader sent me a link to secession documents that implicated slavery, not the tariff, as the reason for Southern secessi

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In the early 3rd century BCE, the biblical book of Genesis was translated from Hebrew into Greek in order to be read by the Jewish communities of the diaspora who no longer understood Hebrew. Though the book could now be read by non-Jewish Greeks, i

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The discovery of rock carvings believed to be tens of thousands of years old in India's western state of Maharashtra has greatly excited archaeologists who believe they hold clues to a previously unknown civilisation, BBC Marathi's Mayuresh Konnur re

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In 279 BC, the vast army of King Pyrrhus of Epirus was met by Roman forces at the Battle of Asculum in southern Italy, in what would be one of the costliest military engagements of ancient history.

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Governments. Can't live with them, can't live without them, right? From first world countries to war-torn hellholes, bemoaning politicians is de rigueur. Yet for all their flaws, we tend to view our elected officials as a necessary evil, for if t

Article Image, Wendy McElroy

The Satoshi Revolution: A Revolution of Rising Expectations Section 4: State Versus Society Chapter 10, Part 4 Crypto and the New Cold War History is written by the victors. -Winston Churchill Success is a great deodorant. -Elizabeth Taylo

Article Image, By Eric Margolis

"If you don't get my weekly column, it means I am dead," wrote Israeli writer Uri Avnery to a friend. As I eagerly awaited Uri's column each week, I feared that each new column might be his last.

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Well, good morning. This is Lew Rockwell. What an honor to have as our guest this morning, Judge John V. Denson.