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You've heard of his uncle Sigmund, so how come you've never heard of him? In this classic episode from The Corbett Report archives James dishes the dirt on Edward Bernays, Freud's American nephew. Learn how to break societal taboos, get the pub

Article Image, By Eric Margolis

Much of America, including yours truly, has been watching the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series, 'Vietnam.'

Article Image, By Brion McClanahan

Steve Bannon's September 10, 2017 60 Minutes sparked considerable discussion among both the left and the right. Bannon is always good for that.

Article Image, By Bionic Mosquito

The Libertarian Forum, edited by Murray N. Rothbard from 1969 to 1984, had a small -- even tiny -- circulation but it forged the intellectual edifice known as libertarianism.

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Investigators have long speculated that the so-called "Deep State" is withholding critical information regarding the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy -- and on Oct. 26 they may get one step closer to finding out the truth, thank

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Using the moonlight to guide her, Vigo descends up to 15m below the surface to reach a series of secluded underwater coves and grassy lagoons that the women in her family have kept secret for the past 24 generations. She then uses a tiny scalpel to c

Article Image, John Pilger

One of the most hyped "events" of American television, The Vietnam War, has started on the PBS network.

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The real U.S. Constitution, which was scrapped long ago, does not permit judges to be its final interpreters, executive orders, coercion of the people of a State by the federal government, delegation of control of the currency to a private banking ca

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From 1700 to the present, fully ten million Irish men, women and children left Ireland and settled abroad. Remarkably, this figure is more than twice the population of the Republic of Ireland today (4.8 million). It exceeds the population of the isla

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To ensure the continued security of the Isles, a forward thinking Prime Minister by the name of Henry John Temple or more colloquially, Lord Palmerston, opportunistically took advantage of the London Conference of 1830 which was called to address the

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We are just as deluded that our model of living in 'countries' is inevitable and eternal. Yes, there are dictatorships and democracies, but the whole world is made up of nation-states. This means a blend of 'nation' (people with common attrib

Article Image, by DAN CORJESCU

Kafka's The Trial can be read in retrospect as a prelude to the Twentieth/Twenty-First century. Although probably not written as prophecy, Kafka's short unfinished book nevertheless provides a road map to the terrors of the current Surveillance S

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Because if you really think about it, in an extremely disturbing and distressing sense, the Nazis won the war. Goebbels admits that militarily, Nazi Germany had lost the war. It was utterly crushed by the might of the world's three strongest power