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Deep-sea explorers said Friday they have hauled up what could be the richest sunken treasure ever discovered: hundreds of thousands of colonial-era silver and gold coins worth an estimated $500 million from a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Free Liberal(Fred Foldvary)

The problem with the banking system was the federal control of the money supply, and the effective remedy would have been free market banking, where the banks and other private firms would issue private currency backed by gold.

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by Jacob G. Hornberger (FFF)

How many people know how Hitler actually became a dictator? My bet is, very few. I’d also bet that more than a few people would be surprised at how he pulled it off, especially given that after World War I Germany had become a democratic republic.

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With all due respect and sympathy to the victims and their families of the Virginia Tech, Columbine and McDonalds shootings, the Oklahoma bombing, and other mass murders, these were not the worst mass murders of children in the US.

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LCD Blog

Let's see Lexington and Concord, pro-secssion mob riots with Federal troops in 1861, FDR ends the gold standard, Bay of Pigs fiasco, Waco, and Oklahoma City.

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With the recent events at Virginia Tech, one must remain vigilent in the upcoming calls for more victim disarmanent laws. "Those who fail to remember history, are doomed to repeat it".

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Eric Margolis for

The death six Canadian soldiers in southern Afghanistan reminds us of Santayana’s maxim that those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it. On 27 July, 1880, the British Empire suffered one of the worst defeats in its colonial history.

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The most infamous feud in American folklore, the long-running battle between the Hatfields and McCoys, may be partly explained by a rare, inherited disease that can lead to hair-trigger rage and violent outbursts.

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It's the coldest of cold cases, and yet it keeps warming to life. Seventy years after Amelia Earhart disappeared, clues are still turning up. Long-dismissed notes taken of a shortwave distress call beginning, "This is Amelia Earhart…,"

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"Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race" uses 200 photographs, videotaped survivor stories and several dozen artifacts to trace eugenics' development as a perversion of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to its Nazi justificati

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Maps of War

Which presidents and political parties were responsible for America deadliest wars? To what extent can you blame a president or a political party for choosing to go to war? This map may hold some answers

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Chicago Tribune

Travelli, who shuttled back and forth to the facility from Chicago for several years in the 1980s, didn't know the worst of it. When his mission bogged down, the Romanians not only held on to the highly enriched uranium, they secretly used it and

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Real News Project (doc links)

Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a 1950's collaboration with a covert CIA officer. Bush has long denied allegations that he had connections to the intelli

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by Mark Arenz (Ridiculopathy)

At this time of year, more specifically the end of it, news organizations such as ourselves take a step back from the ever-spinning gerbil wheel of human events and attempt to divine some sort of meaning from it all.

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After being paraded around the nation and displayed in front of the media outlets daily for the past week, maybe we can move on beyond this mostly forgettable man. [For a President, that is a complement.]

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by Chris Floyd (Lew Rockewell)

Gerald Ford took those famously amoral and criminally incompetent backroom operators, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, out of the twisted bowels of the Nixon White House and raised them to the highest levels of American government
