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Article Image By Janet Levy

In 1935, French prime minister Pierre Laval, who later served in the Vichy government during the Nazis' four-year occupation of France, commanded French citizens to surrender their firearms.

Article Image By Janet Levy

In 1935, French prime minister Pierre Laval, who later served in the Vichy government during the Nazis' four-year occupation of France, commanded French citizens to surrender their firearms.

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Jacob Hornberger-Future Freedom Foundation

The U.S. deep state's hatred of the Iranian people goes back a long way, at least as far back as 1953. That was the year that the CIA, which was called into existence in 1947 when the U.S. government was being converted to a national-security state

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1 SHARES Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print Before it collapsed, the city of Rome had a population greater than 1,000,000 people. That was an extraordinary accomplishment in the ancient world, made possible by many innovative technologies

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What makes heroic strife? To whet th' assassin's knife, Or hunt a Parent's life, wi' bluidy war! Then let your schemes alone, in the State, in the State! Then let your schemes alone, in the State! Then let your schemes alone, Adore th

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By Taki Theodoracopulos Taki's Magazine

SCHLOSS WOLFSEGG--I was watching two very old men slowly approaching the open doors of the Pilatus airplane I was leaning up against when it dawned on me that they were the pilots who were about to fly me to my daughter's wedding.

Article Image, by Uri Avnery

After commenting on most of the episodes on the first Israeli Prime Ministers in Raviv Drucker's TV series The Captains, I must come back to the one whose episode I have not yet covered: Yitzhak Rabin.

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his history and MacEachran's role in it had come to light shortly before I moved to Alberta, through a series of lawsuits filed by eugenics survivors against the Province of Alberta during the 1990s. In my workplace, I met people who had been profe

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To this day, the Marshall Plan, that enormous government program for foreign aid and wealth redistribution, is still held up as a model of good government planning, and of the benefits of forcibly redistributing the taxpayers' money.

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Sometimes mainstream news outlets talk about historical disasters and make it seem like they're "one-off" events. But really, it couldn't be further from the truth. Our planet has a long history of life-altering disasters, and it's a histor

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Kings never impressed him. And Roger Williams was exposed to Kings from early in his life. As a youth, he worked for Sir Edward Coke, who was a lawyer, judge, and held other similar political posts in 17th century England. Williams accompanied him

Article Image by Sheldon Richman

From April 1950, nearly two years after the Zionists in Palestine unilaterally declared independence for the state of Israel, to March 1951, three bombs exploded among Jews in Baghdad, Iraq: one each outside a cafe on Abu Nawwas Street; at the US Inf

Article Image, By Joyce Chediac

The settler state of Israel turns 70 on May 14. In imperialist capitals, especially Israel and the U.S., this state built on the bones of the Palestinian people will be praised and celebrated. The U.S. will open its embassy in Jerusalem the same day.
