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Aurangzeb's list of alleged crimes is long and grave. He is charged with fighting protracted, pointless wars in central and southern India and thereby fatally weakening the Mughal state. He is envisioned as a cruel despot who brutally murdered enem

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Anna Whitelock is a reader in early modern history at Royal Holloway, University of London. She lectures on political, social and cultural history in the 16th and 17th century, and is director of the London Centre for Public History. Her latest book

Article Image, By Tom Woods

Thomas DiLorenzo's The Real Lincoln (2002) was as much an event as it was a book. Here was a brutally frank treatment of a political figure we are all expected to treat with a quiet awe, and certainly not with the kind of serious and sustained scru

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by Jerry Lewis, Joan O'Brien

The Day the Clown Cried is an unreleased 1972 American drama film directed by and starring Jerry Lewis. It is based on a script of the same name[1] by Joan O'Brien, who had co-written the original script with Charles Denton ten years previously.[2]

Article Image by Taki Theodoracopulos

When the Germans smuggled arguably the world's most evil man into Russia 100 years ago, they did not imagine the harm they were springing on the human race.

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As the American franchise of Western Civilization tumbles into the dust-bin of history, I sometimes wonder whether - were it possible - the ghosts of Jefferson, Franklin, Sam Adams, and other "Founding Fathers," might be willing to engage in

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Like President Trump, President Kennedy was subjected to the same type of pressure by the Pentagon and the CIA to engage in military action overseas. Unlike President Trump, however, Kennedy stood his ground and refused to succumb to the will of the

Article Image, Loren Balhorn

72 years after the triumph over Nazism, we look back to postwar Germany, when socialists gave birth to Antifa.