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At the end of World War II, U.S. officials told the American people that despite the Allied victory over Nazi Germany, America could not rest. That was because, they said, the United States now faced a new official enemy, one, they said, was arguably

Article Image, Corbett

The Gutenberg press was the catalyst for the Renaissance and the Reformation, but it shaped what we communicated as much as how we communicated.

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For its time, the V-2 was a strange and revolutionary weapon. Before Wernher von Braun - the mastermind behind the rocket, no one has ever thought of such a thing and the weapon could even be considered a stuff of fantasies. It wasn't until von Br

Article Image, by Bill Buppert

The Deep State continues to wage an interesting war on freedom and individual liberty at every turn. From talk of banning laptops on flying prison camps known as American flagged airlines to ahistorical accusations of Russian intrigue in US elections

Article Image, by L. Neil Smith

Note: they are saying, on the Internet today, that, in addition to tearing down the Jefferson Memorial, there are plans to dig up the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and throw them away or exile them somewhere. True, Forrest was

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The women dwelt under the protection of Asarua's father, but the mother of Asarua was not of his household, for he was a strange king though a mighty one. The place wherein they dwelt was fenced about and guarded by seven fierce hounds, tawny-coated

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The old story that the Dorians came over land from the north and devastated the palaces may well be true, but they may have done it in cooperation with the Sea Peoples' attacks in boats. The only strangers for which we have good evidence are the Se

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