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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Ike Was Right!

•, by Bill Bonner

The Dow is still more than 1,000 points below its high; so we presume the primary trend is down. Treasury yields – on the 10-year note – are near 3%… twice what they were two years ago. So we presume the primary trend for bonds is down, too.

If we're right, we are at the beginning of a long slide… down, down, down… into chaos, destitution, and destruction.

Faked Out
Our working hypothesis is that General Eisenhower was right.

There were two big temptations to the American Republic of the 1950s; subsequent generations gave in to both of them.

They spent their children's and grandchildren's money. Now, the country has a government debt of $21 trillion. That's up from $288 billion when Ike left the White House.

And they allowed the "unwarranted influence" of the "military/industrial complex" to grow into a monster. No president, no matter how good his intentions, can stop it.

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