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As a consequence, the libertines of the period hated the Church, which alone, amidst the universal depravity, raised her voice for purity. They took up warmly, therefore, the movements which, within or without her pale, were likely to do her damage.

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

From this map we can see that certain cities, such as St. Louis and Oakland, have been disproportionately impacted by civil unrest. As well, universities have also been hotspots for rioting, though often for much different reasons.

Article Image, Corbett

Do you know the story of how the French public were tricked into desiring the potato? No? Well then, grab your forks and dig in! This week's edition of #PropagandaWatch is served, so get it while it's piping hot.

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The Book of Mormon without this developing archeoloogy is unintelligible. I have watched this change over the past two decades in particular. The good news is that the Algonquins are clearly part of that thousand year long mining endeaver. Again i

Article Image, By Yumna Patel

At least 750,000 Palestinians, nearly half of Palestine's Arab population, became refugees in the months leading up to and following the establishment of the state of Israel

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

More than two centuries ago, on May 14, 1796, the English doctor Edward Jenner carried out what was later proven to have been the first modern-day vaccination, when he injected a young boy with pus from cow pox (or vaccinia virus) blisters on a milkm

Article Image, By Pepe Escobar

With hybrid warfare 2.0 against China reaching fever pitch, the New Silk Roads, or Belt and Road Initiative, will continue to be demonized 24/7 as the proverbial evil communist plot for economic and geopolitical domination of the "free" world, bo

Article Image, By Dr. Mark Sircus

It is not only the greatest it is also the fastest. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought death, pain and suffering around the world and is causing widespread economic and financial hardship.
