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In June of 1933, at the height of the Holodomor, 28,000 men, women and children in Ukraine were dying of starvation each day. The land that was known worldwide as the breadbasket of Europe was being ravaged by a man-made famine of unprecedented scal

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After spending 75 years making Hitler and Nazi Germany into a vision of pure evil, the worst ever to visit humanity, we find ourselves right back into the arms of fascism. In this place, freedom has no name. Friedrich Karl Hermann Entress was a Germa

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We are watching the Enlightenment collapse before us in real time. I'll be fairly brief in my explanation of why this is so and how it came about, but it strikes me as something we should understand.

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The Academy of Language Therapy & Life Coaching

A former New York teacher of the year, Gatto is probably the most interesting writer/speaker on education today. He shows that our bureaucratic schools and our bureaucratic society just get in the way of learning. He often contrasts modern America wi

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We are inside the "Greatest Transition in Human History" all over the planet; not only to the 5th dimension light, to much higher-technology, peace, harmony, no hunger, no poverty, fair wealth and distribution. We are in the final roundup of the

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